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Who is Steven Dean (GetLeanWithDean)?

Demand more from yourself than anyone else could ever expect”. –Tony Robbins


Since being a young child, athletics have always been a part of my life; so much so that my life-long dream was to become a professional football player.  It has never been a hesitation for me to push my body to its limits as the adrenaline from competition is the driving force.  I understand not everyone has the drive and discipline to change their physique for better or to push their bodies to the limit.   So, when choosing a profession, I decided to use my skills to help motivate others develop the drive and discipline that has helped me reach a higher potential. 


Presently I have a background in physical therapy, I am a certified personal trainer with emphasis in corrective exercise, and a certification in nutrition.  It is my mission to reach as many people as possible to help in the understanding of making a lifestyle change.  As a personal trainer, I am better able to steer my clients on a one-by-one basis and push their limitations.  As a certified corrective exercise specialist, I can safely and effectively help clients reach their goals.  I have made it my mission to learn every aspect of my field and have made a conscious effort to train clients using the proper techniques and exercise form in order to reach maximum results.  I demand my clients push past their limits in the same manner I demand excellence as a trainer to help people accomplish things they never thought possible. I am Steven Dean, NASM certified personal trainer, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist, Precision Nutrition Certified…and I am here to help YOU.


