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Showing posts from September, 2017

Power Over Habit: Why Mindset Matters

If you have ever tried to ignore a box of doughnuts at work, you know how hard it is to keep your hands to yourself and walk on by. And once you walk on by, the battle isn't over. Even if you are in a different room and down the hall, you can’t stop thinking about those doughnuts. Why is it so hard to resist something as small and seemingly innocent as a doughnuts? It has to do with habits- and mind set.  HARDWIRED HABITS  The draw you feel from the doughnut goes way beyond just a mild interest:  you are wired to want it, and resistance is hard.  In his book,  The End of Overeating,  Dr. David Kessler MD explains the breakdown: When you taste foods that are highly palatable (such as foods containing excess sugar, fat and salt), your brain releases opioids into your blood stream. Opioids are brain chemicals that cause you to have intense feelings of rewards and pleasure, as well as relieving pain and stress. The pleasurable effect is similar to the feelings th...

Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us: How's Your Gut Function?

Fall is here, and that means that cold and flu season has arrived. Have you ever noticed that some people seldom get sick? Or maybe you have wondered why after being exposed to the same virus, one person gets ill while the other remains well. The reason lies in the strength of the immune system.  And the strength of your immune system is largely dependent upon the condition of your digestive system. When you are exposed to bad bacteria or viruses, it is up to your immune system to protect you from being infected. If your immune system is strong, your body will fight off the threat. If your immune system is weak or compromised, you may end up sick. Microbes: the good, the bad, and the ugly Inside your digestive system are many microbes. Microbes are live organisms that affect your overall health. Some of these organisms are beneficial and protect you from disease. These good bacteria recognize when illness-producing intruders enter your body; they promptly attack the intru...

Minimum Effective Dosage: Train Smarter Not Harder

There are a few things as exciting as new gym members eager to make serious lifestyle changes and make up for lost time in their quest to get fit and healthy. Their motivation and passion are contagious, and watching transformations is one of the most fulfilling aspects of being a trainer. But in their excitement, many gym members make a common mistake - overtraining. The thinki9ng goes like this: "If 20 push-ups are good, then 30 must be better," or "If 35 pounds challenges my muscles, then I'll get ripped if I do 50!" In other words,  more is better and leads to faster results. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and taken to the extreme can lead to getting hurt and MISSING workouts. As with most things in life, moderation and consistency in fitness are the keys to success.  Too much of anything can be a bad thing, and there is no need to do more than the minimum needed for maximum results. For example, consider medication. If 200 milligrams o...

Be Smart About Gluten-Free Foods.

Are you going gluten-free? If so, you are in good company. Many Americans are reducing the gluten in their diets. Some are doing this because they have a confirmed diagnosis of Celiac disease, some are gluten sensitive, and others are finding that reducing gluten aids them in weight loss. What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in certain grains such as wheat, barley, rye,, spelt and semolina. It not only gives baked goods their characteristic texture and chewiness, but it is also used in the processing of many other foods to add thickness, flavor and added protein. If someone has Celiac disease, they have a condition in which the body experiences an immune reaction when gluten is eaten. The result is damage to the inside of the small intestine, which impairs absorption of nutrients. Gluten sensitivity is different in that the reaction to gluten is less severe and less damaging to the small intestine, but physical symptoms are still present, such a nutritional deficiencies, gas...